Jason's Google Code-in Blog

GCI Organization: FOSSASIA

Setting Up a Webhook for Github

fossasia site

You can set up a webhook for so that each time a contributor opens or reopens a pull request on your repository/fork, a bot may comment a live version of the contributor’s site on the pull request.

Add webhook

First, you must add a webhook to your repository. To do this:

1) Go to your repository settings and select Webhooks & Services.
2) Click add webhook. You can make up a random payload URL for now. Your secret key can be anything (be sure to record this).
3) Click let me select individual events and only check the pull request checkbox.
4) Create the webhook.

You should see something like this afterwards (with a random link):


Setting up your bot

You must first create a new github account to host the bot (or you can use your own account if you want it to act as the bot). Go to your settings to create a new personal access token. Leave it on the default permissions.

1) Clone https://github.com/codethejason/fossasiaprbot to a public area on your server. Something like http://example.com/fossasiaprbot/webhook.php will be your webhook URL, so please edit that in the repository settings.
2) On your server, install php and php5-curl.
3) Create a secret.json in the cloned directory file like the following:

  "githubkey": "your secret key you recorded in part 1",
  "token": "your secret access token"
Testing the webhook

You can now test your webhook by creating a pull request on your fork.

Sign into another account and make a file change in the gh-pages branch and make a pull request. Test that the bot now posts the link to the live website.

25 Dec 2015 #setup #webhook #gh-pages #server #github