Jason's Google Code-in Blog

GCI Organization: FOSSASIA

Further Extend a User Management Application in Pharo


My task was to add a few more fields to the existing ConstantManager package and implement some type of checking mechanism to ensure the password fields match. I accomplished this by adding the instance variables and adding a few methods. I added a small check using if statements to check that the two passwords match. If the passwords do not match, an alert generated by UIManager pops up to warn the user.

15 Jan 2016 #pharo #smalltalk #user management #image

Extend a User Management Application in Pharo


My task was to extend an address book located on this blog: http://magaloma.blogspot.de/2011/01/pharo-gui-with-polymorph.html. It featured adding, editing, and deleting a contact and only had two fields: first name and last name. I extended the applicatino by adding an email field after loading the program in Pharo 4.0. Gofer it squeaksource: 'Pharocasts'; package: 'ContactManager'; load. First, in the contact class, I added an instance variable called email. After that, I could add methods in the accessing protocol that returns the email and also add the email to be printed in the printOn method in the printing protocol.

29 Dec 2015 #pharo #smalltalk #user management #image