Jason's Google Code-in Blog

GCI Organization: FOSSASIA

Setup Angular User App with Github Pages


Today, our task is to setup https://github.com/aidarbek/angular so that it runs with Github Pages. Luckily, AngularJS is easy to setup for Github Pages, so this task only takes a few steps. First, fork the repository and save it to your account. Next, clone the fork you just created by typing this command in Git Shell: git clone https://github.com/<your github username>/angular.git Then, make a branch called github pages and switch to it.

28 Dec 2015 #setup #commit #gh-pages #github #angularjs

Setup Hugo on Github Pages


At this point, you might be wondering how users can easily see your blog content without downloading the repository and doing all the steps you had to take to view your posts. This is done by publishing on Github Pages, a free service offered by Github that hosts static webpages. We can create a static website by publishing all our posts. I will be using lots of content from the Hugo site, so this tutorial is very similar.

17 Dec 2015 #setup #commit #gh-pages #hugo #github