Jason's Google Code-in Blog

GCI Organization: FOSSASIA

GCI Trip to San Francisco


Day 1 My trip started out on June 12, 2016 by a morning flight to San Francisco. The Newark TSA line was actually shorter than expected! After some turbulence on the plane, I promptly arrived to San Francisco in the afternoon. My dad, mom, and I spent some time in the hotel and entered the welcome ceremony. I knew some of the people by name already since the GCI winners talked in a chat previous to the event.

20 Jun 2016 #San Francisco #trip #Mountain View #California #Googleplex #Google

Grand Prize Winner


This is just a short post to acknowledge that I have won one of 28 spots in the Google Code-in contest (more details here). I am extremely excited for the trip to Google Headquarters. I will attempt to continue contributing to FOSSASIA, but it is difficult due to time restraints with school and other activities. Once again, I thank all the people involved with helping me to build my knowledge and ultimately win the grand prize.

9 Mar 2016 #gci #experience #wrap-up #open source #projects

My Google Code-in Experience with FOSSASIA


As we all know, Google Code-in 2015 is sadly coming to a close on January 25, 2016. In this blog post, I will describe my wonderful experience working with the awesome FOSSASIA community while learning tons of new stuff. I would like to thank the admins Mario Behling, Hong Phuc Dang, and Mohit Kanwal for making this FOSSASIA’s participation in GCI possible. I would also like to thank all the mentors for guidance and support.

22 Jan 2016 #gci #experience #wrap-up #open source #projects